Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Virtual Assistant in India

December 14, 2009

I just got a virtual assistant in india.  His name is malvin and he seems pretty cool.

I have to teach him lots of stuff so he can be helpful.

Back Again?

December 4, 2009

OK.  Day 2.  Not really, but sortof.  23 hours later.  1 sleeping session, a full day’s work and more phone calls and sms messages and IMs than I really want. Not interested in  syntax yet.  Playing with widgets. Meebome sounds cool.  Come to my blog, send me a message about whatever you like.  But no desktop client apparently. A flickr feed.  It’s totally borrowed. A knock on the door.  The dog barks. A twitter feed.  I’m not a terribly interesting tweep apparently.  I try to contribute, but the topics are probably too varied.  Oh, and what is up with all these users following me but have 2 tweets total and no one even bothers to follow back?  why would I want to follow back? eh.  i currently have about the same number of followers as followees but I feel like this blog post is already more of a conversation than I’ve ever had on twitter. There is a box for files an rss.  syndicate my nonsense. I have been writing a lot more lately.  mostly emails and businessdocuments, but it feels nice.  Not cool breeze in the Caribbean nice, but satisfying useful writing.  Writing is the basis of wealth i read somewhere.  I guess all those bloggers making $$$ are proof. the witching hour.  time to go… OOH Red.  and blue! and yellow and green too! I’m glad no one reads this yet.  I get to be silly.

  1. numbered lists
  2. and…
  • bullets?
    • DUCK
    • indent…

cross this out (more…)

Keyboard Shortcuts

December 3, 2009

Apparently there are WordPress keyboard shortcuts  or i am rubbing the touchpad strangely.  it is a new laptop after all and im not quite used to it.  i’m putting spellcheck on hold.  why is WordPress underlined.  ooh i see i wasnt capitalizing the P in Perfectly Useless blog Posts.

Welcome to WordPress, Julien.  It sounds like “Welcome to Freedom” for some reason.

A photo of me and my dear friend Dmitriy.

Halloween 2009 - Julien and Dmitriy

What's Happenin'

Hello world!

November 19, 2009

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

This is my blog.  I have great plans for it.

But first… Let’s Play!